Supported Notes Content

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n2pdf uses RTF format to convert Notes Rich text content into a PDF file. On the one hand this makes it possible to create complex structures for the PDF files. On the other hand, however, this results in some elements from the "world of Notes" only being partially moved into the PDF file or not at all. n2pdf accomplishes the conversion of Notes Rich text content into the RTF format using a proprietary export filter. We are doing everything we can to continually improve this export filter.


Here is a list of Notes content that the current version can convert:



Font type

Font size

Font color

Font style (normal, bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, superscript and subscript)


Paragraph Alignment

Alignment (left, right, centered and justified)

First line (normal, indent, outdent)

List (bullets, numbered)

Spacing (lines, above, below): Single, 1½, double


Paragraph Margins

Margins: left and right (absolute and percentage values)

Tab: Left, right, centered, decimal

Page break (general, page break before paragraph, keep paragraph on one page)


"Hide Paragraph if" (according to configuration in "system settings")

Previewed for reading

Previewed for editing

Opened for reading

Opened for editing


Copied to the clipboard

Hide paragraph if formula is true

Notes 4.6 or later


Hotspot (see „Links ")

Document links

Anchor links

View links

Database link




Title (text and formulas)

Border (style: Simple depiction; no 100% positioning as in Notes)

Color (not for borders; only 240 standard colors in selection (other colors adjusted automatically))


Hide title when expanded

Fonts (see "Fonts" above)

Indent left and right (outside of tables)

"Hide paragraph from" (see "Hide paragraph if" above)


Graphics in RichText

Source: Inserted image (visible)

Formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF (uncompressed)

Scaling: Width and height

JPEG image resources



Support for a number of graphics formats

Native support for file attachments in XLS (Excel), DOC (Word) format and PPT (Powerpoint) format (webPDF Server)

Support for RTF and ASCII file attachments (webPDF Server)



Table Layout

Table: Width (fit with margins, fit to window, fixed width)

Cell: Width

Cell Borders

Border thickness: user defined borders

Border thickness: Above, left, right, below

Cell border colors (identical for all cells)

Table/Cell Background

Cell color: Color (Style: Fill entire area)

Table Margins

Table margin

Table border with indent

Text formatting in tables

Paragraph justification and font may vary within a single table cell

Merging of table cells

Horizontal and vertical merging of table cells


Nested tables



Computed text (see note at the end of the document)

OLE objects (as visible in Notes document; accepted only as a graphic)

Recognition of encrypted contents: For the entire document, everything is exported except for the encrypted fields. The function then returns an error message. If only a single field is exported (item), then only an error code is returned.

Export of Notes UI Controls such as buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons as graphic elements


For additional information, please read the license agreement in the program group.




In addition to these listed Notes contents, other properties or elements may in part be applied, although they might not be accepted correctly or in their entirety.




It is not always possible to compute properties that contain formulas. Since the export runs in the back end and bears no reference to a client or other documents, such formulas cannot be computed.