Tech Demo

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n2pdf 7.0 - Tech-Demo

This database shows the various options how n2pdf may be used. This database shows a dialogue which allows access to most of the n2pdf options (e.g. PDF settings (1), table of contents (2)). The dialogue is meant to visualize the the available n2pdf options without having to directly access the programming. The complete technical integration is found in the databases script library.


The various views for the "technical demonstration" of the n2pdf functions are found in the navigation of the database.




The views "Helpfile", "ProductCatalog" and "FeatureDemo” contain both an "n2pdf" button for invoking the output and an action called "Edit configuration“ (see below)




"Edit Configuration" opens a dialogue window, which allows the PDF settings to be changed in a multitude of ways.




UI Controls

This view shows the option for the export of Notes UI Controls such as checkboxes, radio buttons or buttons as graphic elements into the PDF document.


UI Controls



This view shows the option for an additional file export. Here, it is possible to select whether you wish to save the file additionally as a TIFF, JPEG, PNG or BMP graphic.




Here is a message box regarding the data export based on your settings.


Image Export