Link Notes and Domino with the PDF format
For well over a decade, the Portable Document Format (PDF) has been the world's most successful "de facto standard" for reliably and securely distributing and exchanging any kind of electronic documents and a standard for (mail) archiving.
Where documents used to be archived as TIFF image in the past, today PDF and especially PDF/A - is considered the standard for archiving documents.
From a format for data exchange or for the display of data via the web to a format for data archiving (PDF/A) or for the print sector - the PDF format is used for a multitude of purposes. More and more companies are understanding the advantages this standard format provides.
And yet, the PDF format is more than just a review and packaging format. It even lets you integrate complex structures and links in documents to make content, and therefore knowledge, fully navigable. It is these types of structures that really make Notes applications what they are.
Wouldn't it be perfect if data structures could be maintained in a PDF?
That is exactly what n2pdf can do for you! n2pdf makes it as easy as clicking a button to generate complex PDF files that include those functional, everyday Notes navigation elements such as links to documents, views or databases. Structures built in Notes retain their integrity and can be enhanced with new, smart features like a table of contents.
In order to generate complex PDF documents, your end users needed extensive knowledge and training. n2pdf cuts that to zero - no interruption of workflows, no need to access external software, no training required, minimized administrative efforts and all in all a great reduction of potential sources for errors, in short - cut your costs with n2pdf!